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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pesto Pasta!

Tuesday, May 24
Tonight's dinner featured the Mangia Italiano cresta pasta with a pesto sauce from Ozark Forest Mushrooms. Both come frozen from Fair Shares, but both retain a fresh flavor.

I sauteed 3/4 cup onion and 1 chopped garlic clove in 4 T olive oil, added 4 T pesto, a half red pepper chopped and a few left over grilled asparagus. After simmering a few minutes I threw in the already boiled pasta. The last step was tossing in about a half cup of shredded methusala cheese from Heartland Creamery. It is a hard cheese similar to a parmesan.

The pasta is very dense so I think I should have probably made more sauce. My husband is trying to eat low carb so he just took a small bite to taste. He didn't get much of the pesto flavor. I had leftovers for lunch today and found the flavor to be intense. The sauce seemed to sink to the bottom so the leftovers had more of the pesto.

The girls loved the dish and I think would have finished it off if I hadn't grabbed some for my lunch. The grilled flavor from the asparagus enhanced the sauce. You only got

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